Friday, February 24, 2012

importing data

we are trying to import data from a flat file using an uptick (`) as a column separator and {CR/LF} as a record terminator. There is a variable number of columns for each record. The initial record in the flat file has 3 columns. Upon processing this record, the import sets all records to 3 columns and does not read the column separators past the second column (even though there may be up to 7 columns in the record).

This method worked ok in DTS2000 and it works with Excel. Any suggestions?

Thank You

You'll need to set up as many columns as you can have in the data. It's tricky because SSIS doesn't handle variable columns very well without implementing some workarounds. (Read in entire row as one field, later split field up using substrings, or other solutions)

Take a look at this forum using the search feature. This has been discussed quite a bit recently.

|||You may try DataDefractor. It handles variable columns quite nicely.


Ivan Peev |

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