Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Importing times into SQL Server

I am trying to import an access database into SQL Server 2000.
I am using the DTS Import wizard to to this.

Most of the tables import fine, but a few are not importing.

Here is the error message that occurs on most of them:

Code Snippet

Table Name Here
Error at destination for Row number 1. Error encountered so far in this task:

1. Insert error, column 7 (‘CallTime’, DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow.
Invalid character value for cast specification.

Here is an example of an entry in one of the 'Calltime' rows: 7:45:30PM.
This is a date/time field in Access.

I looked at this SQL table after the import finished and there was no data.
Also, it tried to import as a smalldatetime data type.

Is there something I can change in Accesss to fix this problem?

Perhpas you should identify with a query instead of a pure table mapping which values break the import process. Use the ISDATE function for that.

Jens K. Suessmeyer

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