Friday, March 9, 2012

Importing data from one source in two destination tables linked by a foreign key


I have a new problem when I import data from an xml source file in two destination tables. The two tables are linked by a foreign key... for example :



After a lot of transformations data are inserted into MOTHER table and I want to insert other fields of the data flow in CHILD table. To do this, I need the MOTHER_ID field that is auto incremented in MOTHER table.

My problem is to chain the insertion in CHILD table after the insertion in MOTHER table to be sure that the relative row in MOTHER table is really inserted. I haven't find any solution to chain another transformation task after my flow destination "Insert into MOTHER table".

The only solution I have found is to create a new flow control to insert data in CHILD table, using a lookup transformation task to bind with MOTHER table... But with this solution all my flow control transforms are made two times...

Is there a solution to chain two insertions with a foreign key constraint in a data flow?



Arnaud Gervais.

Just create two data flows in your control flow. The first to load the mother table. The second to then load the child table.|||

I can do that but I have a unique source file and with this solution I have to do same transformations of my data 2 times...

I've found a better solution that seems to be often used:

It consists on creating two data flow and chaining them on the control flow as following:

- first data flow : I transform data, insert them in the mother table and keep the data flow in a raw file using multicast component.

- second data flow : I read the raw file to get transformed data, and find the foreign key with a lookup component bound to mother table previously imported.

It seems to be the best and fastest solution to do that...




it sounds like you are talking about the same thing at this thread

Jamie Thomson has posted feedback asking for "Intrinsic Flow Priority" to be included in SSIS. This would mean you could achieve what you are trying to do in a single data flow task.

Please go to ( and vote for this as well as posting your use case.

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